2024-10 October

by | Oct 9, 2024

Did you notice those two years flying by? Nope…me, neither.

My webmaster has just converted this site to WordPress, and done a fine job – looks fresh, friendly and easy to find your way around.

Alright already! Yes, I AM writing and enjoying fleshing out this next book’s twists and turns.  You may have noticed that I like to nick back in time to include at least one other women-loving-women (WLW) story that is somehow connected to our present couple.  History had not adequately recorded ‘herstory’ – real stories about WLW couples showing us that women being other than straight is not a recent invention, as some would have it.  Sure, the terminology is less than two hundred years old, but the kind of relationship is ageless.  As Whoopi Goldberg said in 1988, “homosexuality has been around since air.”

Rest assured, we have been in fine company for millennia, and will continue to do so.  Whatever you’re up to, keep the faith and carry on.

Nice meeting you! YLW

Previous Writing Notes by Y.L. Wigman

2018-10 October

It is spring Down Under, with longer days and warmer nights, the birds and bees and blooms doing what comes naturally. I prefer writing in spring and summer when I can close down the house, crank up the air-con and hibernate through the heat until it passes – lovely!...

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2018-07 July

‘Struth, there goes another year...nearly. Mid last year, I caught a jet plane to Europe and visited much loved relatives, a journey long overdue. Thereafter, it took an inordinate amount of time to conceive and gestate the gist of my next foray into writing. However,...

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2017-08 August

What’s your favourite film in the genre? It’s rare that a movie comes out in mainstream cinema, so we all keep a watch online in case something good is released. I don’t have an absolute favourite, although “When Night is Falling” is hard to beat for sheer...

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