2017-03 March

by | Mar 17, 2017

2017-03 March

by | Mar 17, 2017

My second novel, Miligrane: Embracing the Sapphire, was released by Bella Books in Tallahassee, Florida on the 16th of February. How well it will be received, I won’t know until October. Meanwhile, I’m contemplating a third novel, knowing that much as the second is considerably different to the first, the third will be different again. Exactly how, I won’t know until it unfolds in the writing.

Certain themes pop up that can take me by surprise, lead me down dark alleys or out into the open. Some can’t stand the light of day and I tone them down, while others insist on being exposed within the context of two women in love.

It’s a sometimes startling juxtaposition that I wonder if the reader can bear, but I respect her grit and intelligence sufficiently to write it for her anyway. She may or may not relate personally, but often can relate through the people she’s known, or knows of, who have had similar experiences. If something insists that it be said, I’ll write it with respect and commitment, despite my heart being in my mouth.

I saw Adele in concert at Subiaco Oval in Perth this week. She was A-mAZing! Me and 65,000 other people, delighted just to be there to witness her singing stories of love and all its agonies, her honest heart throbbing on her sleeve for all to see. And we could not help but love her for it… for allowing us to relate and feel with her.

All of us together in this time and place; we’re not so very different.

Previous Writing Notes by Y.L. Wigman

2017-02 February

Writing is a solitary occupation that carries the inherent danger associated with it occurring in a vacuum. That is, a first draft can be thin in some places and positively cyanosed in others. The cure is oxygen in the shape of critical readers, preferably sharp-eyed,...

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2017-01 January

In the planning stage of a novel, well before I start writing, I spend a helluva lot of time creating the main characters, usually two women. For each, I create a document that details everything about her, from the obvious, such as physical looks, to the obtuse like...

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2016-12 December

"The Price of Salt” has to be one of my favourite books, so when I heard it was to be made into a film, I hoped it would do justice to Patricia Highsmith’s classic, fifties romance. When I first saw “Carol” I was impressed, and remain so, overall. But for some reason,...

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